Wednesday, January 26, 2011

OMGoodness, Tracie Stroud!

I am still in total shock! I have wanted to be on Tracie Stroud's (at creative team since I started hanging around at Scrap Orchard last year. I had sent her a message when I was first starting out letting her know that if she ever needed a new team member that I was willing :-) Flash forward to at least 6 months later, and a lot of scrapping growth on my part IMO, and Tracie has a super rare CT call. She usually picks CT members individually. Of course I apply! I get an email this week and fully expect it to say, thank you for applying but...but it didn't! It was an invite to join her TEAM! Just call me excited! I will have some new goodies from her in my next post, woot!!!!


  1. yayayay!! for you!! I love tracie stroud too. I woulda applied, but I thought as a bee I wouldn't take that spot from others.

  2. Congrats Sarah! Can't wait to see your layouts with her goodies!
